Journal Entry #4 - Observation on a Space

Sunrise by Vashon Tnee (2017)

What you can see and hear, from small to large detail;
The space I have chosen is vast, and it merges into a horizon at a distance. Upon looking at the space, one will be able to see an amalgamation of nature and architecture. The river cuts across two entities, the Gardens by The Bay and its domes contrasts with the silhouette of palm trees. In an almost random fashion, the clouds remain stationary and still as though it was already part of this photo that I have taken. Hues of blue and orange streak across the sky, transitioning slowly into the dark. The world in this space is quiet, and tranquil. The only sounds I hear are the buzzing of the crickets at a distance, the bellowing of the wind and the swishes of the river's small waves. A small audible humming sound is heard as well, perhaps from the lighting, which one might not be able to hear had it not been for the almost silent atmosphere.

How you feel in the space, how mood is affected by the space;
Within the space, one feels tranquil and at peace, almost like a retreat from the constant buzz of the modern world. I felt safe, and at ease. I began to ponder over the irony of how the naturalness of the space, its silence and absence of noise from the modern world turns it unnatural for me due to the unfamiliarity. I have become so used to the sounds of the city that the lack of its usual racket becomes uncommon.

If there are other people in the space how they interact with it;
There were a few others in the space that are off-camera and they were performing what appears to be their daily routine, similar to myself. I was there to do my usual jog when this space caught my attention, but simply due to the fact that I was reminded of my task to take a picture of a space I was captivated by. I do not think the rest would have shared my sentiment as they seemed so engrossed in their morning routines to notice anything else.

Is there any sign of media networks or transmission signals in the space?
There was a digital buzz that came from the sounds of people's phones as they jogged through the space, with their music players. A singular hum comes from the various lights that align themselves along the river. Text sounds come from people who are just absorbed into their own digital space.

Does the sphere of the digital culture bleed into this space? and How?
The architecture from across the river was created from a digital realm, and it seeps into the natural space of the land it has been imposed upon.

Imagine what would that space tell you if it could?

"Tread softly, for you tread upon my land, my soil. Respect me, and I shall give you everything, it is free-of-charge, no need to worry about paying me. Sure, build your toys, those structures you are so proud of. I am not concerned. I will still be here when they have turned to dust. Go about your ways and continue your lives. I will still be here. I will still be here. I will still be here."


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