Journal Entry #9 - Glitch Selfie

Glitch (2017) by Vashon Tnee
Hi guys, this is my version of an artwork in relation to the topic of "Glitch Art" which we were tasked to do as part of this module. As I was slightly confused by the reading given to us which had interesting instructions on how to glitch our selfies, I decided to take things into my own hands, and create my own form of glitch art using Photoshop to play around with my own image. The result was this piece of work that I made by creating a bunch of overlays while messing around with the colour channels and adding noise to the final product. I hope you like it!



  1. Hi Vashon, glitch is often seen as a manifestation of defect, while photoshop is a tool for enhancement. It is ironic in this case how photoshop can be used to deliberately "destroy" an image to produce something new. What kind of statements do you think Glitch Art can make? Or to make this even more personal, what are you trying to express through your glitch portrait?

    1. Hi Jacquelyn, I agree with your statement, and I love the irony in it. But actually according to our assigned reading which was the Glitch Manifesto by Rosa Menkman, she remarks that a glitch can also be a start of something new, like a spark that initiates the changes in our life. I wanted something similar here. This was actually an old picture, and it's been years since I looked at it, and it felt suited for a glitch to happen, since I am no longer who I was back then as an individual who has undergone changes in my life.


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