Journal Entry #13 - Glitch Quotes

After further exploration on the idea of forming a homage, and based on feedback in the previous lecture session as we discussed our ideas, I decided to scrap the previous ideas (not completely) to try and implement some new ways that I actually came up with in the weeks before which I was experimenting upon on my own (which explains my absence from this blog for the past week or so, teehee).

I had actually decided to attempt to improve on a previous version of my glitch work while incorporating the element of quotes (Gaiman's specifically) which was the homage item I have been collecting.

This time, I was able to find a software online ( to generate amazing glitch effects in a short amount of time. I was therefore exposed to the various kinds of glitches that I was not aware of before when I was performing the interlacing glitch with Photoshop previously on my first assignment.

The following includes my process as I experimented with the software:

Skipping effect + Wave effect
My initial attempt was simple as I was merely trying out what I could perform on the software. Gaining confidence I was able to try out more complex effects. It felt appropriate for me to use a wave effect here which directs itself upwards for the current quote since the idea of "dreams" meant something that was both unsubstantial, and not constrained to the ground of reality. I was therefore beginning to explore the idea of manipulating glitches to match the quotes they represent.

Distortion effect + Wave effect
Distortion effects can be tricky. The quote is no longer visible with this effect but the idea is to utilise this as a transition for the effects to come. It is actually the same quote as the one above, but this time with a distortion effect applied to it, it portrays poetically the way our dreams can sometimes become no longer visible to us as we move forward in life.

Color degradation effect + Noise effect
This was one of my favourite effects to implement, alongside a quote that represented something powerful, the distortion created here through both noise and color invokes the chaos that we feel within ourselves as we carry "Hell" around with us.

RGB effect + Vignette effect
This was also another quote which held the most meaning to me and I wanted to create a glitch that did not take away from the text. This time, as compared to the examples of glitch quotes above, it utilises a less distorted kind of glitch that allows viewers to simply take in the quote rather than focusing on the glitch itself.

Rorschach effect + RGB effect
This was actually a picture of myself which I actually experimented on previously as well (see Journal Entry #9) since I was attempting to include some piece of myself in this experimental process.

Blink effect
This effect was created similar to the original method I utilised for the first few glitches I made before discovering the software. It was done painstakingly with over 20 images spaced apart by a few seconds into a GIF file that allows them to create this animated loop of blinking images.

Final Result - Glitch Quotes

The outcome was more interesting than I had anticipated. As I merged the contents together, I realized a running theme which was to utilise glitches which had their own different characteristics to match themselves with the quotes that were being utilised in the same space. It was an interesting experiment and I shall take notes to see if I should pursue this method any further.

P.S. I have realized through the lecture session that a lot of my fellow classmates are intending to utilise glitch as their medium, and hi friends, if you are reading this post, you can give a try since it's easily available online.

Thanks for reading!
