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Journal Entry #17 - Code Quotes | Homage Project

Continued from Journal Entry #15 After many gruelling hours later, I was able to come up with my prototypes for the homage idea that was brewing in my head ever since I came across the concept of code poetry. I had decided to call this project Code Quotes . As mentioned in my previous post, I was most inspired by the time-based text that Professor Nancy gave to me as I decided to create a webpage that could host this script and pay homage to my favourite author all at once. I decided not to create a code that would run in a blatant manner to the viewer such as those highlighted by my previous post as well under the website htttp:// but rather, I felt that simply having the code as the medium in this homage project was sufficient enough to subtly pay my respects to it while my homage to my favourite author continues to take centre stage. I decided to take heed from the poetry aspect that the power of code can be used to generate t...

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