
Showing posts from 2017

Journal Entry #17 - Code Quotes | Homage Project

Journal Entry #16 - Random Blends Reflection

Journal Entry #15 - Code Poetry | mindblown(){ if {I could somehow do this} else {I must still try}}

Journal Entry #14 - Marbles, Marbles, Marbles

Journal Entry #13 - Glitch Quotes

Journal Entry #12 - Sauce Materials Presented On A Plate

Journal Entry #11 - The Digital Movement - Viva Digital Revolution!

Journal Entry #10 - My Processing Journey in Assignment 1 aka The Hellawhack Shiznit That Happened Inside My Brizzle Part 1

Journal Entry #9 - Glitch Selfie

Journal Entry #8 - PechaKucha Reflection

Journal Entry #7 - If An Electrical Component Could Talk

Journal Entry #6 - Group Constructive Criticism

Journal Entry #5 - Reflections on Group Mapping Exercise

Journal Entry #4 - Observation on a Space

Journal Entry #3 - Don't be Soylent your pants now

Journal Entry #2 - Constructive Criticism Model Homework Exercise